Michel Dogna is a naturopath, journalist, and author. He served as editor-in-chief for 6 years at the journal “Vérités Santé Pratique”, which is now called “Principes de Santé”, where he currently runs the “Aigle Moqueur” column, as well as a weekly contribution to “the Thursday newsletter” of ALTERNATIVE SANTE.

MICHEL DOGNA, known for his tenacity in his writings and his straightforward speeches, dedicated to natural health, organic food, the defense of animal welfare, and the preservation of the planet in general, is the author of about twenty works, published by Guy Trédaniel.

The mission of the Health School is to teach the keys to good health to as many people as possible. Its mission is to contribute to the health prevention of our citizens through the learning of fundamental rules of life hygiene. These actions aim to promote and disseminate natural health methods. www.ecoledesante.com Phytonika is a partner of the Health School and offers a discount on Nettle Silica to holders of the Health School Certificate.

Kinesiology is a gentle method involving the body and mind. It highlights, through muscle tests, the energetic imbalances and emotional stress of an individual.

E.K.M.A: School of Kinesiology and Associated Methods. www.kinesiologie.fr


A method suitable for everyone that never causes cracking. It is suitable for athletes, non-athletes, sensitive people, children, and the elderly.