Silicon, nettle and sport

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist). Silicon for sports. Do you know its role? Practicing a sport requires a balanced diet and an adequate intake of essential elements for the proper functioning of the body (minerals, vitamins, proteins). Physical effort generates oxidative stress and depletes the body’s reserves of minerals and vitamins. Moreover,

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The role of silicon

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist). Silicon Silicon, the second most important element on the earth’s crust, is essential for life. The silicon stock in the body is approximately 7g. Due to modern dietary deficiencies, the silicon stock tends to decrease with age, and the body draws from its reserves, which then need

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Aging and oxidative stress

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist). Every living being naturally produces, on contact with the oxygen in the air, free radicals (reactive oxygen species) responsible for oxidative stress. These molecules have an unpaired electron that is highly reactive and can attack cell membranes. We possess enzymes (catalase, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase) or molecules (vitamin C, vitamin A,

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Detoxification, renal and hepatic action.

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist). The waste products from our metabolism and the toxic substances we absorb are metabolized by the liver and then mostly eliminated by the kidneys, where urine is formed. These detoxification functions of the body are essential for maintaining good health. Nettle and silicon have their roles to

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Organic silicon

Organic silicon, nettle silica, and horsetail silica. What is organic silicon? It is silicon bonded to a carbon molecule. It can be natural (synthesized by a plant from mineral silicon) or manufactured in a laboratory. Only organic silicon is bioavailable. However, it is important to be cautious, as not all organic silicon compounds are natural,

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Which is the most effective form of silicon?

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist). The form in which silicon is found determines its effectiveness. Not all forms are assimilable and effective for the body, some may even be toxic. Silicon can be found in mineral or organic form (bound to a carbon atom). 1. Mineral silicon. Mineral silicon, in the form

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Silicon and Rheumatology: joint pain, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis.

Silicon and Rheumatology: joint pain, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis. By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist). Silicon is an essential trace element for the health of bones and joints. With modern nutrition being deficient, the body’s silicon store, which is 7g, tends to decrease with age, and the body draws from its reserves, which then

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Silicon and Osteoporosis.

Silicon and Osteoporosis. OSTEOPOROSIS: Silicon, an essential element to effectively combat it By Dr. Yves Baccichetti. Formerly more rare without being exceptional, it was the main cause of the dreaded hip fractures in elderly individuals. Currently, it is growing into a true scourge and becoming a public health problem in all Western countries. 1. Statistics.

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Plant-based silicon (nettle and horsetail), heart and arteries.

By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist), founders of the Naturopathy Center of Lorraine. Silicon is essential for life. The body’s silicon reserve is about 7 g. As modern diets are often deficient, the silicon reserve tends to decrease over time and the body must rely on reserves that need to be replenished. Cardiovascular

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