By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist), founders of the Naturopathy Center of Lorraine.

Silicon is essential for life. The body’s silicon reserve is about 7 g. As modern diets are often deficient, the silicon reserve tends to decrease over time and the body must rely on reserves that need to be replenished.

Cardiovascular diseases are widespread in Western populations and the leading cause of death: heart attack and heart failure, stroke, high blood pressure, venous stasis, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, etc. Silicon is an effective protection for the cardiovascular system.

Large-scale studies have been confirmed by research on patients with cardiovascular diseases. The following elements have been highlighted:

→ Arterial walls need silicon. When arteries have atheroma plaques, their walls contain up to 14 times less silicon.

→ Arteriosclerosis, the hardening of arteries due in part to the loss of elastin, can be prevented and reversed with silicon administration.

→ Experimental arteritis disappears with silicon.

→ Experimental silicon administration prevents the formation of atheroma plaques in cholesterol-fed rabbits.

How does silicon work?

First and foremost, it is essential for the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which are the constituents of blood vessel walls. A silicon deficiency leads to a collagen and elastin deficiency, resulting in weakened and hardened blood vessels. This lack of flexibility and resistance can cause numerous cardiovascular diseases.
Silicon also plays a role in mitochondrial function and energy production. Additionally, cardiovascular diseases are often associated with inflammation, and silicon is known for its anti-inflammatory potential. Plant-based silicon from nettle or horsetail has a superior action compared to isolated silicon.

V. What form of silicon should be taken?

For effectiveness, silicon must be bioavailable, meaning it can be assimilated by the body and not be associated with any additive that could disrupt its assimilation, unnecessarily burden the liver, or irritate the stomach. Be cautious of chemical preservatives and stabilizers.
Organic silicon is more bioavailable compared to mineral and colloidal silicon. Even among organic silicon, caution must be taken, as not all are natural and some are chemically manufactured.
It is essential that silicon be organic and transformed by plants to make it assimilable. Nettle silicon, known as an excellent remineralizing plant rich in minerals and vitamins, is the best form of naturally occurring organic silicon along with horsetail. This silicon is even more effective when extracted with vegetable glycerol, as glycerol is an organic molecule naturally present in the body and recognized by the body’s cells. It allows for the production of 100% natural silicon without additives.