By Adrien Baccichetti (biologist) and Kateryna Baccichetti (biochemist).


Silicon, the second most important element on the earth’s crust, is essential for life. The silicon stock in the body is approximately 7g. Due to modern dietary deficiencies, the silicon stock tends to decrease with age, and the body draws from its reserves, which then need to be supplemented.

Silicon has a significant influence on tissue structure and the functioning of cell membranes, from which its benefits stem.

It has a general impact on connective tissue (which constitutes bones, cartilage, support tissues, tendons), hence its involvement in numerous bodily processes. It also has a conducting virtue (used, for example, in solar panels or computers) that helps rebalance the energy potentials of cell membranes. It is antioxidant and helps inactivate the toxicity of heavy metals.

I. Silicon and connective tissue: formation of collagen and elastin

The main interest of silicon lies in its essential role in the formation of collagen and elastin (as well as proteoglycans), which are the constituents of the body’s connective tissues and organs. Skin, bones, organs, arteries, all are composed of collagen and elastin, in different proportions reflecting their properties. In bones, the mesh is tightly woven, giving them their hardness, while in the dermis, the fibers are looser. But the construction material is the same, and silicon is essential for its synthesis. J. Loepper estimated silicon to be present at a rate of 500 mg per kg of dry tissue.

It aids in maintaining cohesion between collagen fibers through its electrical properties. Recall that collagen is a protein that provides tissue with resistance. Collagen ensures stability, among other things, through hydrogen bonds between hydroxyproline and hydroxylysine due to their -OH groups. Silicon helps ensure the junction between -OH groups. Without silicon, there can be no collagen.

Elastin, as its name suggests, gives tissues elasticity and allows them to return to their original state after stretching. It is present in large quantities in the skin, tendons, ligaments, and the walls of blood vessels. The aorta contains the most silicon and elastin in the human body.

The synthesis of elastin requires silicon. The elastin reserve is produced during adolescence and diminishes over time. As one ages, it is replaced by collagen, which is inelastic, leading to wrinkles on the skin or stretch marks. Silicon counters elastase, which degrades elastin, and helps preserve the body’s elastin longer. Vascularly, the loss of elastin leads to artery rigidity.

Silicon is also associated with glycosaminoglycans and polyuronides found in bone tissue and connective tissue in general: chondroitin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate, heparan sulfate, and heparin. It is necessary for calcium fixation.

Therefore, the problems throughout the body caused by a silicon deficiency are understood. Defective building materials result in organs not functioning properly, loose tissues, fragile and brittle bones.

This can manifest as:

Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, arthritis, joint pain.
Dermatological and aesthetic issues. A deficiency in collagen and elastin causes loose and dull skin, with the appearance of wrinkles, stretch marks, cellulite. Hair turns gray more quickly, tend to fall out, nails become brittle.
Cardiovascular issues: coronary diseases, atherosclerosis, arteritis, hypertension, stroke, venous insufficiency.
Nervous system problems: lack of attention, memory loss, senility, degenerative diseases, sleep disorders, stress, anxiety.
Muscular issues: muscle pain, stiffness, muscle weakness, asthenia.

II. Rebalancing the polarity of cell membranes.

Moreover, silicon plays an important role in cell membrane polarity. The membrane has an electrochemical potential that governs exchanges between the cell and the external environment due to this potential difference. The cell must import necessary nutrients for its metabolism and export waste, and the speed of these exchanges depends on the electrochemical potential. The silicon, with its conducting role, acts on this polarity, assisting in improving cell reactivity and their ability to exchange with the extracellular environment, making the body’s reactions more efficient.

This action on membranes is particularly important for muscle cells that, during exertion, will be able to absorb nutrients necessary for their function more rapidly and dispose of metabolic waste.

It is also crucial for nerve cells with a high metabolism, especially during times of stimulation, such as exams for students or learning, for example.

Silicon also functions as an important factor in key metabolic enzymes, such as adenylcyclase involved in mitochondrial metabolism, the body’s energy powerhouses producing ATP.

III. Antioxidant and chelating role.

Silicon plays a chelating role (inactivates) with metals, especially aluminum, protecting the body from harmful effects. Studies have shown that aluminum is implicated in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, and the presence of silicon in the nervous system can reduce the aluminum levels.

Cadmium, lead, aluminum, unfortunately present in small quantities in food, attack the kidneys, bones, and nervous system. Silicon is therefore recommended to reduce their accumulation and toxicity.

Furthermore, silicon is an antioxidant that helps the body combat oxidative stress induced by heavy metals, medications, toxic products, etc. It also helps the body fight against atherosclerosis, the deposition of atheroma plaques in the arteries due to excess cholesterol, as demonstrated by numerous studies.

Conclusion: Due to its essential functions in collagen and elastin synthesis, its antioxidant potential, its effect on cell membranes, various enzymes, metabolisms, and its potential to inactivate the toxicity of toxic metals, silicon has a significant preventive role to play in ensuring a healthy body.